Angel Moroni on snowy backdrop

Angel Moroni on snowy backdrop
"That little ol' [angel] can only get you part of the way. You have to help it along with some hard work." Princess and the Frog

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

a ripple

a drop hits the water
from that one drop starts a small wave
the wave travels in a circle
until joined by others
those multiply until
they grow smaller and
weaker, until they fade
but even before they fade they
touched much more water than
it started the ripple
made it to the edge of the
water it touched many
one in a million but they
can touch the lives of more than
they understand at this
time in their lives
they can do more than
they realize starting a ripple
that ripple
changes the world with

1 comment:

  1. I love it Kyra. Is that an original because if it is I am jealous. You are talented. I did not realize you had a blog.
