Angel Moroni on snowy backdrop

Angel Moroni on snowy backdrop
"That little ol' [angel] can only get you part of the way. You have to help it along with some hard work." Princess and the Frog

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

a lure

the light glimmers, distant,
after in a world dark, it's faint.
seeing it draws in near,
without even thinking of fear.
it's crafty and sneaky,
the danger seems meekly.
following we don't see,
until too late it gains victory.
the danger there in our view,
we take one too many steps, we do.
we are caught in the lure and trap,
in a moment caught with a snap!

Satan works is ploys through tricks that seem harmless, even fun or safe. But we can know how to avoid such as we come to know the Savior through reading and finding the truth. The Holy Spirit will be our guide as we see the danger and run with full force to the safe banks of the gospel. Hold true to your standards and let nothing pass that will try to harm you. He will even make you feel good, until too late, SNAP! You are caught. I hope you recognize in time that the "good feeling's gone."

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